2016 Cutest Couple Photo Contest!
Love is in the Air! Announcing CUTEST COUPLE PHOTO CONTEST!
Sasha Bianca Photography is excited to announce the Cutest Couple Photo Contest!
Interested in winning a FREE PHOTOSHOOT? Submit your favorite photo of you and your loved one to info@sashabiancaphoto.com no later than this Wednesday, 1/27.
Photos will be posted to an album on Sasha Bianca Photography’s Facebook page and the photo that receives the most likes and shares COMBINED wins a free photoshoot. (likes + shares = total number of votes)
The only stipulation is voter must “like” Sasha Bianca Photography on Facebook.
Good luck!
Contest runs from Thursday, 1/27 until Saturday, 2/13 and the winner will be announced on Valentine’s Day, Sunday, 2/14.
(Photos submitted after the deadline can still be entered into the contest).
Feel free to ask questions!
***Photoshoot location must take place in South Florida Area of your choice.***
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